Senin, 06 Juni 2011

Stop Pushing Me Away

I just an ordinary girl, with limited brain capacity. I just an abandoned and neglected child. I'm the one all people pushing away when they find their happiness. I'm the one they pushing away when they success in their life. I'm the one they pushing away when they got what they want. 

I just an ordinary girl with limited heart capacity. I just an abandoned and neglected child. But I'm the one they have when they on their sadness. But I'm the one they have when they got matter. but I'm the one they have when they fall from their crown. But I'm the one they have  when they feel down.

I just an ordinary girl with feeling and mind. I can feel hurt and feel sad. I can feel bad and feel angry. Why should me the one you abandoned when you got what you want? Why should me you neglect when you got all your dreams? Why me you choose to carried all your matter and trouble? Why can you all understand, I'm a human with heart and feeling. 

I can't understand what you thinking about me. Even I've tried dive into your heart and mind, I still can't understand why should me the one you pushing away from your life. Can't you just let me in to your life? Please. I don't mind you made me as a bin for you carry out all your sad feeling. I don't mind you made me as a bin for you shared all your matter. But please let me in, and stop pushing me away on your happy time. Please let me in, and stop pushing me away from your success time.

I just an ordinary girl with heart and mind, with soul and feel. Can't you understand me as that simple...???

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