Senin, 13 Juni 2011

The Hatred Part 2

It's keep coming and coming. Never let me to calm it down or erase the feelings from my mind and soul. Every second and minute makes this hate feeling getting bigger and bigger. Torturing my heart and my thought. The hatred, can't remove or make it bit slow down. But it's stay there and gripped me tight. It's stay there and act so hard. Nothing can make it get out of me or make it bit calm. And all of this hatred become animosity. It's makes me fling and hating people more and more. And makes me swear doing something bad to them when I can. This feelings makes me scare. Scare to my self and all I can done to hurt people. This feelings makes me do bad things a lot, things that I know hurting many people. And most of all it's hurting people I love. It's hurting my parents and my lovely uncle. It's hurting every people around me. Oh why the devil is so strong grip me? Why devil is so rocking my soul and my mind? Uggghhh I hate this condition. I need something to divert my mind. I need something to express my feelings. I wont blowing up like a volcano. I won't...

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