Senin, 06 Juni 2011

Letter For God

Dear God,

I know you are busy with so many trouble in this world. But please spare just few minute to read my letter. God... I know You know me well, but for truly, I didn't know You well. *grind* God, even I didn't know You well, But I really really believe in You. You are the light of my path, You are the light of my destiny, and you are the light of my heart and soul.

God, as You know well I lay my life in your hand. I trust my destiny in You. And I put my soul as Your servant. God... nowadays, I'm in hard time. I know You always with me in my every sad and happiness. But now is my hard time. It's not mean that I want to complain for my fate, it's just I need some place to share my feelings. God, I need you more nowadays, to lead me to Your right way. I need You more nowadays, to guide trough all this darkness. I need You more nowadays, to erase all my confuse.

God there's nobody I can trust in my life, and I only can trust You to help me with all my matter. Because I know only you the one can guard me from every retarder and the one can lead me into the light. God I only have one thing to ask from You, and I really really hoping that you will bless me with makes my wish come true. God the only thing I ask is, please let my parents life calm with Your bless and abundant. Please God, please...

God... I think all I can say for now. But for sure I'll write again for you next time. Thanks a lot God to spare your time to read my letter. I love you God. 

With love and hopefulness,

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