Selasa, 11 Januari 2011

Tears Of Darkness

Long time never wrote again for my blog. :P Just to busy with family matter. With my parents matter, and all other stuff insignificant. And all of that stuff consuming most of my time. Hm.. many things happened and many things makes me drain my tears. My stress level getting up, and my psycho level getting up fast. And everyday I crying and crying. Maybe I still smiling, I still laughing, I still singing and I still socialize. But deep inside my heart, I always cry and cry. And when I can't hold of it anymore I go to somewhere alone and crying hard. Releasing a bit feeling fulfill my heart. This tears wont gonna be stop till the time all the matters stop and clears. Now is the time where darkness surrounding, trapping, and cooping me inside. The darkness wont allow any light come to me. The darkness will makes me become a weak girls, meaner girls, and wicked girls. This darkness, it's so thick and impenetrable. This darkness, holding me so tight. Gave me so many doubt and consideration. Guess is the time to play and dancing with the rain. But where is the rain when I need it...??

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