Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

Saying Good Bye

In life you must be ever say good bye. Say good bye to your friends, your relatives, your family, even to your enemies. Say good bye to living things and dead things. In every meeting there's a separation, in every halo there's a good bye. Because in life there's nothing imperishable, stay for ever. And in my life I have say good bye to many things. To human I love, to things I have, and to feelings I feel. I ever say good bye to my beloved auntie, first person I lost. And then I say good bye to my beloved cousin, the little boy who lost his life on very early age. Then following by my grandma, from my father, leave me on her love. And last my grandma, from my mom, the most loving me one. I say good bye to many person ever come to my life, touching my life, and then go, disappears like never come, but leave some mark in my heart. I say good bye to many things I ever have, my wealthiness, my things, my earth happiness. And I say good bye to my love feelings, my happy feelings, my sad feelings, my thought, and my mind. I say good bye to my past, and say hallo to my darkness future. Say good bye, it's common thing happen in life. Sometimes tears accompany it, sometimes smile accompany it. Whatever, have you ever say good bye..???

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