Kamis, 18 November 2010

The Annoying Orange

This few days me and my youngest brother watching such an entertaining short movie. The Tittle is Annoying Orange. Really enjoying watching it @Youtube. In this short movie you can hear so many funny entertaining song. Much of the song is a parody of famous song. When you have hectic day, or suck day, or some tired and exhausted day, watch this short movie and you will be laugh, refreshed and relax. But be careful when you watch, it have side effect, you might can't stop watching it and can't stop laughing...  :D

Rabu, 17 November 2010

Suicide Commit

I just got the sms from one of my friends today. A girl, who desperate of her life. She kind of weird actually since the first time I met and know her. She always grouching and complaining about her life. So... I started be a good listener for her. Try to understand and help her for her life problem. But all I do is just useless. How you can help a pessimist person, someone who only looking any matter and problem from the negative side...??? Actually if you have knowing her and her life well, you will be said "Hey girls, your life was okay and good..." But once again she is a grouching and complaining person. She never saw her life from the positive side, ungrateful person. She have a boy friend who love her and propose her. She have a nice parents and loving family. She have many friends. What else she need...??? Oh if she just changes her attitude and be a bit optimistic, she will be see all of it. she will see of how lucky she is. But not, she just so busy to pity herself for something absolutely nothing. And now she sms me and tell me how she is sick of her life and wanna commit for suicide. Anything I said should be not heard by her, since the first I give her advice she never do it or try to listen at me. Hm... Maybe she thought that suicide and death is the best way to her. But in my opinion, Life is too short to do something foolish like SUICIDE.  

Selasa, 16 November 2010

The Bloody Rose

Some of you must be have question for me, "why Bloody Rose...???"

The answer is because I'm kind of freak who have a tendency of psychopath matter. Yeah, I love to see blood and torturing people. Maybe I'm not torture by action, but I do torture them by my words. And sometimes, yes I gone mad, by torturing my self. But I still can controlling my self. It's safe to be friends with me. I'm not as that Psycho... :P
I really love to see thriller movie and horror movie, especially the movie with many blood in it. I love to see the beauty of nature, but at the same time I love to ruin it. I love to see someone do and commit suicide, but my own self I really scared of death. :D I'm not fair right...! Like to torture people and see them do something crazy, but not ready when I have to do it by my self. I am the selfish girl.
Bloody rose, the beautiful of psycho.